Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Vote Recount is Stupid (and a scam!)

Green Party nominee Jill Stein is currently soliciting donations for a petition to recount the votes in three states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Supposedly this is being done in a bid to take the election from Trump and give it to Hillary Clinton. The degree of stupidity here is astronomical, and no, I'm not talking about Jill Stein. She's a genius (I'll explain why in a bit). I'm talking about the people who are donating to her with the hopes that the recount will put Crooked into office. Here's my thoughts on why this is stupid:

Jill Stein hates Hillary Clinton. Throughout the election, Stein vehemently denounced Clinton multiple times. Hell, she's still poking fun at her for flip-flopping on her decision to concede. Why would Stein go out of her way to get Clinton elected?

Jill Stein on Clinton endorsing #Recount2016
She's no Donald Trump of course, but this woman knows how to troll.

Trump won fair and square. Get over it. These people seem to think that Russia was hacking our votes. It's hilarious. They sound worse than the Alex Jones-esque conspiracy nuts (who are honestly sounding less and less crazy every day about some things). They'll make up anything and everything because they just can't accept the fact that Trump won the election. For some reason it's completely unfathomable for their feeble minds.

A recount is just going to show us what we already know. Trump won. Honestly I'd love to see a recount in a state like California. It wouldn't change anything of course, but I wonder how many illegal votes for Clinton they would find...

Election map by county
b-b-but muh popular vote!

Jill "No Refunds" Stein is a genius. What better way to stick it to your opponents than to trick them into giving you their money? I have no doubt that Stein plans to embezzle most of the donations she's receiving. Trump knows this as well. It's also likely that this is a bid for popularity and media attention in preparation for the 2020 election. Seems like someone learned from this election (specifically Trump's tactics) after all! Anyway, the shitstorm is going to be wonderful to watch. I can't wait.

Jill "No Refunds" Stein
Now I know why they call it the "Green" Party.

The Trump crew is being stupid as well. /r/the_donald is currently in panic mode, warning everybody that some trickery is going to happen and that the globalist shills (most notably George Soros) are going to inject fake votes to get Clinton elected. It's not going to happen.

I get it though. They spent the better part of a year meme-ing a man into the highest office on Earth. Some of the dankest memes the Internet has ever seen came out of it. Obviously they would want to make sure their hard work isn't taken away by some globalist trickery. But the only thing this misplaced fear-mongering is doing is creating more divisiveness, which is exactly the opposite of what Trump preaches.

George Soros
He's coming for your votes! Or not...

And that about sums up my thoughts on the recount. It's basically a cash-grab scam from Stein. Good for her too. Nothing brings me more joy than watching neoliberal idiots being ripped off. Anyway, nothing is going to come of it. Like it or not, Trump is still going to be President.

Cenk Uygur BTFO
>mfw leftists still utterly btfo

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