Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Five Stages of Stupidity

I found this wonderful image the other day while trolling around on the magical place that we call the Internet which perfectly encapsulates the reactions of those who oppose Donald Trump. However, I would like to propose my own very similar system for classifying the leftist mourning process which I deem: "The Five Stages of Stupidity."

Stage 1: Butthurt - The individual is overcome with such a large degree of shock that their anus becomes pained. The pain causes their fight or flight mechanism to kick in, and given that there is no stronger immediate threat to their survival, they opt to fight. They resort to vehement attacks against those who have a difference of opinion on social media websites.

Absolutely anal pained.

That escalated quickly.

Stage 2: Rage - The shock and frustration has passed, and now the rage sets in. This stage is usually marked by low-energy protests, a few smashed windows, boatloads of lies, and gross over-exaggeration.

Literally exactly what Trump said. No lie.

Everyone I don't like is Hitler!

Stage 3: Slacktivism - The rage subsides as the leftists get tired of their cute little protests, and they decide to move back to comfiness where they begin their Starbucks-fueled, Macbook "activism."

Good luck with that.

Slacktivism in a nutshell.
This is totally going to change things.

Stage 4: Escape - At this point, the reality of the situation is beginning to set in, but the liberal mind makes one last attempt to escape from it. This can be a physical escape or a mental one (moving to Canada or "deleting my Facebook/Twitter/etc.") Many promises will be made, but very few will follow through.

Still waiting on that.

Stage 5: New Topic -  Finally, after many tears, rage, lies, and broken promises, the horse has been beaten to death and it's time to find something new to get angry about.

If only they were this passionate about the election. Clinton might actually have won.

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